About CCJ Genie
CCJ Genie was created after the success of another site of ours, namely www.smallclaimscourtgenie.co.uk. CCJs are a separate problem so we thought it better to create a new site to focus upon the issue and to help those with CCJs understand the options available.
We know that sometimes people will end up with CCJs against them, either without them knowing about the court proceedings at all or because they have found themselves in a difficult financial situation.
In either case, there are things that can be done to improve your position, whether it being setting aside the CCJ entirely, having the record of the CCJ updated or alleviating the pressure of the CCJ being enforced. We wanted to be able to give people an overview of options and hope that this site and resources prove of help in dealing with the problems and questions you have with over a CCJ.
The downloadable set aside pack has been prepared by a litigation lawyer with over 16 years litigation experience, including many successful applications to set aside default judgment.
We do not provide advice or respond to individual queries. This site is to give you general guidance to point you in the direction of the steps you might decide to take or investigate further.
CCJ Genie is a trading name of SV Legal Training Limited.

Paul Hatton
Director & Experienced Litigation Lawyer