Please click here to see the latest CCJ statistics for the final three months of 2022. It is worth 30 seconds of your time to scan through as the figures are a stark warning about extending credit to clients and customers. Headline figures: 30,330 CCJs entered against businesses for a total amount of £129.3 million. Average value of a business CCJ is £4,266.22. 175,323 CCJs entered against consumers for a total amount of £512 million. Average value of a consumer CCJ is £2,923.17. The volume and value of CCJs are both vast. Most of the CCJs entered are judgments in default so undefended claims. Often, undefended claims happen because the claim form did not reach the attention of the defendant/ This could be because the claimant did not specify an up to date address or becuase the defendant was unable to respond in time. A great number of applications to set aside default judgments take place each year. If you discover a CCJ has been entered against you and you didn’t know about the claim, you need to issue the application promptly as that is one of the main considerations of the Judge. If you need assistance with the application, download our pack.